I don't know if the meat will be affected, she has stopped eating hay a few days ago and she has a snotty nose. She lays around a lot more than normal so I know she feels bad. What should I do?
Have you taken her temp? It should be around 102. I don't know what type of weather you have had but she may have pneumonia. We have had some of our dairy animals with pneumonia this winter because of the weather. If that is what it is, she will probably make it to butchering day. There are antibiotics that can be given but there is a withhold period before it is OK to have meat from her.
Thank you very much, we have had some wet weather here, but she has a shelter and the temps go down in the 20's at night and 60's by day. I can't take her temp. but even if she has one the meat won't be affected?
If she were mine, I'd postpone the butcher date till I found out what is wrong with her. If she is not eating, there is definitely something wrong, and I wouldn't want to eat a sick animal. If pneumonia, there are many antibiotics that will work to clear it up quickly, and during the withdrawal period she will gain back the weight that she's lost during her illness.