She is a york about 30 pounds born in july. When we picked them up they were in a barn on concrete only. I have them in a barn with access to the pen it is pretty warm today compared to what it has been its about 90. we have put cold water on her several times but she keeps laying in the sun andso we brought he in and put her in a large kennel to keep her cool. We have her on the recommended feed from our local feed store and some non meat scraps. She are some feed today but I'm having a hard time getting water in her.Hillsvale said:her temperature is within normal ranges for a pig... 101.5 - 103.1 or so.
What breed of pig is she, age, weight... what temperatures and weather are normal for your area and what is the weather doing now? What is she eating and drinking, what is she used to eating and drinking and what have you done for her this far?