Self Sufficient Queen
OK, I admit, I am starting to obsess early. As most of you probably know, I have my first buck. The doe I want to breed first has not yet come into heat, at least I don't think so. I can't just toss her in there.....she would surely beat the tar out of the boy, and he has never bred before, so I don't want her to mess with him unnecessarily.
I have four does. My two pet pygmy-x's came into heat in the first two days the buck was here. It was so obvious! Lots of tail wagging and hanging out by his fence. Lots of yells when one of them touched the electric wire....often....learning curve, anyone?
The 7-month-old doeling came into heat a couple days ago, and I nearly missed it. She was wagging her tail and hanging around him overnight. Fortunately, I worked late that night and went out after 8:30. She was done by morning.
Now I worry that I will....or have already....missed the older doe's heat. What are some subtle signs? I have been taking her over to his gate, no electric low on that side since it faces the house and not the does. I take her twice a day, after milking. Today, she actually touched noses several times through the fence and after a few minutes, turned around a pee'd. But no flagging, and she usually pees a few minutes after milking. I brought her face back to the gate, and she hit it with her horns....but lightly.
I spent years with horses on a breeding and show farm, so am quite observant....but.....this is new.
Any hints? I want to get her bred first, hopefully soon. Buck has been here two weeks this Sunday. So she has to come into heat by the 15th, no?
What are some subtle signs to watch for, and do does, like mares, sometimes have silent heats?
I have four does. My two pet pygmy-x's came into heat in the first two days the buck was here. It was so obvious! Lots of tail wagging and hanging out by his fence. Lots of yells when one of them touched the electric wire....often....learning curve, anyone?

Now I worry that I will....or have already....missed the older doe's heat. What are some subtle signs? I have been taking her over to his gate, no electric low on that side since it faces the house and not the does. I take her twice a day, after milking. Today, she actually touched noses several times through the fence and after a few minutes, turned around a pee'd. But no flagging, and she usually pees a few minutes after milking. I brought her face back to the gate, and she hit it with her horns....but lightly.
I spent years with horses on a breeding and show farm, so am quite observant....but.....this is new.
Any hints? I want to get her bred first, hopefully soon. Buck has been here two weeks this Sunday. So she has to come into heat by the 15th, no?
What are some subtle signs to watch for, and do does, like mares, sometimes have silent heats?