Hello! I have 2 oberhasli wethers. They are about 3 and never have had any health problems before. Over the last month and they got really a lot of dandruff and now they have bald patches on their noses back legs and rumps and their fur just seems dull. They got safeguard dewormer about 2 weeks ago. Daily they get goat chow, orchard grass hay, forage (mostly a lot of maple and blackberry), and goat block. they have loose mana pro mineral always available but they hate it and rarely eat from it. I have started giving them some replamin gel (5 cc each) every other week in case it is a mineral problem. I don't see any scales or bites or bugs on their skin. Does anyone have any clue what could be causing it or other solutions that may help? They seem fine aside from this. The goat vet is booked out 2 months so hoping I may find answers here. Thank you!
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