So Annoyed!

the simple life

Chillin' with the herd
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
Weymouth, Mass.
I have a local place near me that use to strictly be a nursery but has changed alot to say the least.
I noticed last summer they didn't have even a smidgen of the plants and shrubs they use to have and they put in an icecream stand and petting zoo.
So I am thinking well they are taking this in a new direction.
On craigslist today I see they advertised hay and animal feed.
Here I am thinking well wouldn't this be great to not have to drive so far to the feedstore now to get my feed.
They have goats, sheep, turkeys, ducks, and mules in these pens so I am assuming that they must be carrying all those types of grain.
I pack up the kids and head over there and the place is a ghost town.
We went to check out the animals first and while we were out there one of the owners came out to shoo a turkey in her pen by kicking her with his foot.
He asked me if we came to see the animals and I said actually you put an ad on craigslist that you now sell hay and animal feed so I came to see what you have.
He said we have hay. I ask what kind and he wasn't sure but then said I think its timothy.
I said what else?
He says corn, we can get whole corn.
I say you can get? Your ad says you sell feed so what else do you have?
(the guy) Nothing thats it. What did you want?
(me) Well I would expect that you would be carrying a line of food from a major company or offering grains from a mill.
I mean you are advertising that you now carry animal feed.
I then ask him what are you feeding all these animals?
Yup, you guessed it corn and the mystery hay.
Then he acts surprised and says well what do you feed your animals?
This place is ridiculous and its sad to see a place that use to do so well be so messed up now.
They always had plants, shrubs, fruits, vegetables, all the good things a farm stand would have.
Now its just a chaotic mess of different things.
On the way out we walked through the building and its a complete mess, yard statues, firewood that is halfway done being split, a car in the green house section that looks like is being repaired.
In regards to this advertised livestock feed,
I don't see anything but a pile of hay in the corner and an empty bag of cracked corn and a bucket of disgusting, moldy corn.
So moldy I had to examine it to see what I was looking at.
It was clumped together and green and I was like what the heck is this when my husband picked up the empty bag next to it and it was a Poulin Grain bag that said whole corn.
I could not believe it.
I sincerely hope they do not feed this to their animals but it appears they do.
I looked for the owner on the way out but there was only an older gentleman who said he was locking up the rest of the property.
I am going to go back and speak to these people.
There are 3 or 4 brothers that run the place and I know one of them better than the rest from my years of shopping there.
I am going to speak to him about the moldy feed and advertising something they don't sell.
Why would they do that? Are they just trying to trick people into coming there and hope they buy something else?
Its a disappointment to see things run this way and animals not being well cared for.


True BYH Addict
Sep 3, 2009
Reaction score
McIntosh County, OK
I am very sympathetic to you about finding such a poorly run establishment where there used to be a good one.

Unfortunately this happens a lot. People who have no business being in business, try to run something half-***edly certainly helps no one, but does assure they won't be there long.

We have one good feed store within about 15 miles of our ranch. The rest are just barely hanging on. The good place concentrates on having everything, meds, feed, and if they don't have it, can sure get it.

I don't blame you, let the former owners/operators know what a mess the place is.

We have had much the same thing happen here to a small locally owned restaurant that was mega successful until a new couple bought it and ran it and found out how much work it was, and then just abandoned it. The previous owner, who I'm sure financed it for them, is getting ready to reopen it.



Alpaca Master
Jun 1, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Ohio
That is too bad. The ones I feel sorry for the most are those poor animals that are part of the "petting zoo." I'm sure they are being fed just enough that animal control can't do anything.


Overrun with beasties
May 30, 2009
Reaction score
Arg! Something should be done. People like this give the general public the wrong impression of how animals should be cared for. Hope you can get in touch with the owners and set them straight.