I plan to pick up a few dairy goats in the next 6 - 12 months. I was wondering which breeds do well in the hot and humid weather we have here. (AL,TN,GA,MS)
I live in North Georgia and have Nigerians and Nubians. Neither has taken issue with the heat this summer, even during the most recent heat wave. They rest during the hottest hours in the afternoon and are more active in the morning and evening.
I also have a couple kids available if you're interested...
I'll have to pick up the book at amazon. The websites were great. I'm starting to lean toward LaManchas. I know nubian's are popular here, but that website confirmed what I have heard from people about their health issues.
I have been raising Nigerians in N. Alabama for the past 6 years and have had no problems with them dealing with heat and humidity. Just give them plenty of shade/shelter and lots of cool water. They do fine.
Well I know where I will be moving to now. A relative wants us to buy his home and 10.5 acres before he loses it to the bank or strangers. It's a pretty nice place with a 1.5 acre pond, and he has a few goats (pygmy I think) already. It's about a 15 minute drive from Auburn, AL I think. Still need to sell this home first, and that could take a while.
They should have plenty of room to graze, and there are several large pecan trees for shade. For water they have the pond, and a couple of natural springs with good flow.