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- #11
Loving the herd life
Thanks for the input. One more reason not to breed these guys during the summer or rehome them during the summer. I will recommend the ACV to them when they take the next pair home too.PinkFox said:not nessicairly...
i bougth 2 lops from a lady about an hour and a half away, same climate, they were in outdoor hutches, we feed the same feed, got them home and the next day they both died form heat stress (i had ice bottles and frozen tiles in wiht them, they were in the shade, ect) they were fine one minute and literally gone an hour later...
some bunnies just dont take the stress of the seperation, and stess of the trip, plus the stres of a new place, PLUS the heat well.
op not much you cna do to reduce stress, make sure thier hutches/cages are set up in the shade, and you might try encoraging apple cider vinegar use (1 tsp per gallon) the electorlytes help) but otherwise once there out of your hands, in the heat weve all been having lately...its up to the new owners to make sure ther providing and changing out ice bottles regularly, might be worth telling them to get cheap tile form lowes and keeping a couple per cage in the freezer and swapping them out regularly, and even misting with the hose...