Strange Swellings

Four Winds Ranch

Loving the herd life
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
I have a pen of 15, 3 month old feeder rabbits. the pen is 10'X12', outside with lots of shelter. They haven't had any changes in feed, water, handling of any sort. About 4 days ago, I noticed one had its nose and one cheek swollen. That night, another got a swollen nose and both cheeks. And another has the base of its one ear swollen, which seems to be causing it's ear to hang.
None of them have runny eyes or noses, or have any symptoms of anything I am familiar with. They eat, drink, and run around like normal, the only difference in the odd swellings, which seem sore!
I am assuming they must be some form of infection, so have been giving them antibiotic in their drinking water. :idunno

Has anyone experienced this before? If so, how did you treat or did you? What was the out come?