Newbees here, looking at our first two goats. Haven't got them yet but noticed they dont hold there tail up much. Is this a sign of anything?
Thanks for the help
Well, it isn't a 'Rule'...but, can be an 'Indicator' depending on many being one of them...could be a mineral imbalance....or something very serious....another thing that could be a factor is the breed and diet....any further info would be very Helpful in even being able to point ya in a direction.........age? breed? diet?
The two Does we like are only 4 weeks. They are mixed Pigmy Nigerian dwarf . The diet of the heard is free range with only bermuda hay and a little sweet feed. ( dont know how much of what the nanny is getting).
I'm sure you're going to have to answer several other questions in order to get a satisfactory answer. First things first, normally they will still be on mothers milk or bottle fed till weaning age which is 8 weeks plus. They will nibble/start eating at hay/grass/browse and goat chow/feed/pellets at 4 weeks, but moms milk is still important at this point. There's a lot of good info in the threads and it's a great starting point to get many Q's answered. I'll tag a couple of folks who might be able to address the tail raising question: @frustratedearthmother@OneFineAcre@Goat Whisperer@Fullhousefarm@babsbag@Southern by choice and there are many others. we have a pretty great and active group of goat folks
OK, I will pay attention to the tails tomorrow and get back to you. I honestly never noticed. If the kids are running and playing and being goats and not standing huddled and quiet then I think that the tail is not much of an indicator.
Thank you latestarter that's good info. Sounds like we need to wait a few more weeks to get them anyway. And thank you babsbag yes they do seem to be playful. You guys are great a newbie like me was lost without ya'll
I have never paid much attention either. One of mine was holding her tail down the other day when it was freezing rain. I assumed it meant she was grumpy, lol