Tetanus baby goat


Exploring the pasture
Aug 13, 2020
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Has anyone had any experience with tetanus in baby goats? I'm looking for medications to use and how often I can use them. So far we have: given antitoxin, penicillin, banamine, vit b complex, and sub fluids. We have also syringed: his mom's milk into his mouth, some water, and soaked Timothy pellets, with a 1cc syringe.

We have him propped up with pillows. He was found early this morning, lying flat out, stiff as a board and unable to open his mouth. His legs are still very stiff. He has been able to slightly open his mouth to bellar. His temp was 104.9 and after given banamine and fluids it went down to 102.9. It has been several hours and his temp is back up to 104.6. It has not been 12 hours since his injections.


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Herd Master
May 7, 2013
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Unfortunately, I have. We sought veterinary care immediately. Started penicillin, tetanus anti-toxin, and banamine. It's been years ago so I can't remember dosage amounts. The only thing this baby could move was her mouth. She never lost the ability to suckle and I bottle fed her throughout. During treatment she also contracted a bladder/urinary infection. While at the vets office to get meds for her infection I remember asking him how long it would take to know if she would make it or not. He told me 3 weeks.

After more meds and more shots to treat the bladder infection I thought I saw a tiny bit of improvement. She was able to start slightly bending her legs a little. On day 20 I thought she would survive, but that poor baby literally dropped dead that evening. I had propped her up to give her a bottle. Afterwards she suddenly let out a cry and literally folded into a tiny heap - dead before she hit the ground. I had invested my heart and soul into that baby and I was devastated. I almost feel like I tortured her for 20 days. Tetanus is extremely painful. Imagine having your entire body cramped up. It hurts!

I swore that if I ever had another goat contract tetanus that I'd euthanize immediately.

I'm sorry to give you bad news, but the survival rate is very low.