Ridin' The Range
I am at a decision point with my one of my NZW does. I think it is time for her to head to the stew pot. I wanted to get some other thoughts/opinions before I take any permanent actions (tough to change your mind after they're dead ).
Here's the details, please weigh in with your opinions, suggestions, etc.
I purchased her in April 2011. She was a senior doe, and came to me bred. I do not know her exact age. ~ 18 months was the seller's best guess. Her last litter prior to my purchase was January 2011. She kindled a litter of 5 for me in mid-May. Raised them all - seems to be a great mom.
Attempted to breed her in late June, no success. (I'm willing to blame that on the heat). Repeated breedings brought no success, until Mid October, when she kindled one kit. (Not exceptionally large, but big). From her litter in May until the breeding in September that produced the single kit, she was bred at least 4 times.
She was bred yesterday (11/12), and seemed to be receptive. Not a deep purple-colored vulva, but signs seemed positive, she "lifted" was bred multiple times by the buck. I bred her on an AM and PM interval, like I always do.
During this same time, my other NZW doe (who is a littermate of this one) delivered a litter of 9 in May, conceived in Sept. breeding and produced a litter of 8 in Mid October. She also was bred multiple times through the summer/early fall, so the failed breedings for both COULD be due to heat-sterile bucks. The same bucks that failed in summer are the fathers of their 8 kits/1 kit litters in October.
(I hope this makes sense. )
Conclusion: due to failed breedings, a declining litter size compared to her sister, and her last litter being only 1, I'm of a mind that if the 11/12 breeding yields no litter, she has reached the end of the line and will head for the stew pot.
What would you do? I'm a backyard breeder for family consumption, not necessarily tracking $$ that closely, but want to be productive. Will not keep her as a pet.
Here's the details, please weigh in with your opinions, suggestions, etc.
I purchased her in April 2011. She was a senior doe, and came to me bred. I do not know her exact age. ~ 18 months was the seller's best guess. Her last litter prior to my purchase was January 2011. She kindled a litter of 5 for me in mid-May. Raised them all - seems to be a great mom.
Attempted to breed her in late June, no success. (I'm willing to blame that on the heat). Repeated breedings brought no success, until Mid October, when she kindled one kit. (Not exceptionally large, but big). From her litter in May until the breeding in September that produced the single kit, she was bred at least 4 times.
She was bred yesterday (11/12), and seemed to be receptive. Not a deep purple-colored vulva, but signs seemed positive, she "lifted" was bred multiple times by the buck. I bred her on an AM and PM interval, like I always do.
During this same time, my other NZW doe (who is a littermate of this one) delivered a litter of 9 in May, conceived in Sept. breeding and produced a litter of 8 in Mid October. She also was bred multiple times through the summer/early fall, so the failed breedings for both COULD be due to heat-sterile bucks. The same bucks that failed in summer are the fathers of their 8 kits/1 kit litters in October.
(I hope this makes sense. )
Conclusion: due to failed breedings, a declining litter size compared to her sister, and her last litter being only 1, I'm of a mind that if the 11/12 breeding yields no litter, she has reached the end of the line and will head for the stew pot.
What would you do? I'm a backyard breeder for family consumption, not necessarily tracking $$ that closely, but want to be productive. Will not keep her as a pet.