I had always heard that female rabbits should be spayed if not bred, due to an astronomical rate of uterine cancer in unspayed does who were never bred.
My vet told me that the study it was based on used only a few rabbits, and that the risk of cancer in these rabbits is greatly overstated. He sees lots of rabbits and said over the years he's only seen two cases of uterine cancer in rabbits.
He also told me that there is a small window of time in which to get the does spayed, at around 5 or 6 months. He said if you wait too long, fatty deposits can build up around the uterus which complicates the operation.
I trust my vet so I believe what he says. I'm probably not going to get her spayed at this point. I would like to show her also, and I know that many shows don't accept spayed rabbits.
I'm wondering if anyone else has practical experience, with unspayed, never bred, does.
My vet told me that the study it was based on used only a few rabbits, and that the risk of cancer in these rabbits is greatly overstated. He sees lots of rabbits and said over the years he's only seen two cases of uterine cancer in rabbits.
He also told me that there is a small window of time in which to get the does spayed, at around 5 or 6 months. He said if you wait too long, fatty deposits can build up around the uterus which complicates the operation.
I trust my vet so I believe what he says. I'm probably not going to get her spayed at this point. I would like to show her also, and I know that many shows don't accept spayed rabbits.
I'm wondering if anyone else has practical experience, with unspayed, never bred, does.