I did find several breeders. Some in the US and some in Canada. After researching a lot of breeds to replace our aging Bernese Mountain Dog, the Tornjak was one of the breeds that I had narrowed it down to. However, I wasn't sure if we would actually be able to own one. But, it became possible to purchase one, and Lord willing we are planning to make a ten to eleven hour trip one way the last part of next week to pick up our 2.5 month old Tornjak puppy. I am really looking forward to getting him home.
Hey She-earl
yep had to goog it and they sound fantastic, with the double coat they would go well with my Galloways
Let us know how it goes and how much are they pics if you can
Royd Wood, we are actually driving to Canada to pick him up. The breeder is in Western Canada but her son lives in Eastern Canada. He is out in her area so puppy will be coming East with him. They average about $1,000 but the breeder offered him to us for less. She has sent us some videos of him and I am anxious to meet him in person.
Straw Hat - he will be more of a FGD (farm guard dog) We are dairy farmers and have gas, tools, etc. stolen. We were looking for a dog that has a healthier, longer lifespan than the Bernese, looks intimidating but we don't have to worry about biting, enjoys being with us around the farm, etc. After much research, this was one of my top choices.