I had a feeling Trixie was looking pregnant here lately and last weekend she had some discharge. Today I went out to give them some alfalfa at noon and she didn't come out of the shelter at the back of the pen area to get some like she usually does. She's my herd queen now and she's always first to the hay rack to eat. She stayed in the shelter until I got back there and she was talking to me a whole lot today in that soft, sweet momma tone. She did eat some hay, but then went right back into the shelter. I checked on her several times during the day and again she was staying away from the rest of the herd and still momma talking a lot. I checked on her at about 7 o'clock this evening and she was laying on the ground in a pushing position and sure enough a few minutes later I saw her definitely pushing. She stopped and rested a few times over the course of half an hour and then her water broke and out came all the white goo that goes along with that. She cleaned that up and then laid down for some serious pushing and calling out. About 3 or 4 good pushes and we had a nose and 1 hoof. I felt around hoping to find the other hoof in a place I couldn't see it, but that wasn't the case. This kid just presented with 1 hoof and the nose. She continued to push and with a little assistance from me during her pushing she delivered a healthy little buckling. I cleaned out his mouth and nose with the bulb syringe (we call it the snot sucker! LOL!) and he was breathing on his own and moving around. He got up within a few minutes and immediately started to look for a teat. She kept moving every time he would get close, so we thought for sure she would have another, but she didn't. She's a really good momma and took to the task of cleaning him up and talking to him with her momma calls the whole time. He did finally nurse several times before I left them alone to get better acquainted.