Hopalong Causually
Loving the herd life
....and all through the shed,
not a rabbit was stirring,
With cold months ahead.
The nest boxes were hung,
All cleaned and in order;
In wait for future use,
by the next litter boarder.
Adult bucks and does,
Were acquired with care;
Having size and demeanor,
And the right color hair.
Herd members are comfy,
with water and feed;
Being patient for two months,
Till again time to breed.
So, here is a greeting,
from little more than a beginner;
Merry Christmas to all,
and have a good winter!
not a rabbit was stirring,
With cold months ahead.
The nest boxes were hung,
All cleaned and in order;
In wait for future use,
by the next litter boarder.
Adult bucks and does,
Were acquired with care;
Having size and demeanor,
And the right color hair.
Herd members are comfy,
with water and feed;
Being patient for two months,
Till again time to breed.
So, here is a greeting,
from little more than a beginner;
Merry Christmas to all,
and have a good winter!