Overrun with beasties
I've decided to break down and see if the BYHers could help me out with this doe.
18-month-old bottle fed Boer doe, bred in August, aborted normal twin kids in November. She then became very depressed and anemic (white eyelids, gums). I wormed her several times with three types of wormers and she was still anemic.
Then, this past week, she has greenish, foul-smelling diarrhea. I gave her some Probios because it's what I had on hand. I found an article on Fias about Cocci that fit her symptoms. She is in quarantine.
She's weak, has lost her appetite, and is down to 95 pounds. I gave her a 1 mL/5 lb dose of Sulmet today per our Ag Extension Service person who deals with meat goats. She advised that I should give 1 mL/10 lb for the next 4 days and if it did not clear up, she didn't know what to tell me.
Do you think this is Cocci or something more serious? What should my next course of action be?
18-month-old bottle fed Boer doe, bred in August, aborted normal twin kids in November. She then became very depressed and anemic (white eyelids, gums). I wormed her several times with three types of wormers and she was still anemic.
Then, this past week, she has greenish, foul-smelling diarrhea. I gave her some Probios because it's what I had on hand. I found an article on Fias about Cocci that fit her symptoms. She is in quarantine.
She's weak, has lost her appetite, and is down to 95 pounds. I gave her a 1 mL/5 lb dose of Sulmet today per our Ag Extension Service person who deals with meat goats. She advised that I should give 1 mL/10 lb for the next 4 days and if it did not clear up, she didn't know what to tell me.
Do you think this is Cocci or something more serious? What should my next course of action be?