hi gang! i picked up some used rabbit cages for practically nothing but some of the urine guards are missing and pricing these at my local rural king they run about 16 bucks a set ouch are they really necessary
What are urine guards? Trays under the cages? If so, that doesn't matter unless you are stacking cages, sure wouldn't want to be the rabbit on the bottom!
I had a buck that was a big pet and insisted on being petted every time I went in the rabbit barn. If I didn't pet him, he sprayed me. He got moved to the back of the barn. And all I needed was a urine guard?
That would depend upon where your cashews are placed. If you don't mind spray on the walls, they aren't needed, although they also help keep babies from falling through the wire as well.
Urine guards won't help much with spraying. The main purpose is to try to direct urine into the pan under the cage when a rabbit gets its backside right up in a corner. Whether they are really necessary would depend on how bad a rabbit is about that. You don't really need to surround the whole cage with them. As long as the corner that the rabbit pees in is covered, you're good.