Use woven wire/tpost fence as electric charger ground?


Exploring the pasture
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
I have a permanent woven wire/tpost fence system. No hot lines on it at all. I just started running temporary electric netting in different areas. Currently the charger is sitting in my garage and I ran the grounding system across my yard which is less than ideal.

Could I use the wire/tpost system as my ground? I'd imagine hundreds of feet of fence and tposts would dissipate the electric quite a bit. I have an exterior outlet on a pole right next to the fence, I would just need to shield the AC adapter from rain. The charger instructions say it can be used outdoors if you shield the AC adapter.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Yes, it will work fine as long as you ensure there is a continuous run of the woven fence around corners. Some people, when they make a run of fence, cut the length and staple it up at the end of each straight run , then start again on the next straight run and the woven wire has an open gap at the corner. If so, just run a jumper across the gap.

I just ran a varmint hot wire around my brother in law's 6' tall woven wire garden fence to keep raccoons out of his corn. 1 hot wire 1/2 way up and used the woven wire as ground. Just clipped the neg alligator clip from the solar charger to the woven wire, but you could also drive a ground rod at you charger location and another next to the fence, with a jumper from that grnd rod to the woven wire as long as there is damp earth between the 2 ground rods. Even tho it is just a 1/2 joule solar charger, it showed 8kv when I tested it.

Fence energizer doesn't look for "earth ground" . There's a + potential stored in the capacitors and it looks for ground only in relation to the circuit carrying the discharge from the +terminal capacitors to the neg terminal on the capcitors.
(or vice versa depending which electrical science one happens to believe in) :D