thank you!!!
She seems fine, but I noticed yesterday the buck was smelling her.
Now I guess I need to decide to seperate them or not, or do you think its too late?
Maybe someone with more experience can advise you about it, but it may not be a bad idea to lute the doeling. 5 months is pretty early to get bred and since she's cycling it's certainly possible she did. I haven't needed to do it myself, so I don't have experience with it but perhaps someone else can chime in about that.
If she is in heat, she is probably bred. It takes about 10 seconds! So you won't necessarily see the deed being done. An 8 month old buck knows what to do, and a 5 month old doeling in heat cooperates.
Yeah, definitely consider her bred. Lutalyse is in order here. Abortive dose is 2ml in the muscle, and she'll come into heat again about 2 days after the shot.
I think yer sposed to wait like 10 days after the suspected breeding to give the shot, but I can't remember for sure.. Someone else will know.