Venting some frustration....(rant)

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
I get a lot of requests from various friends, folks I meet at work, via email, etc. on various goat ailments / treatments.

I'm sooooo tired of hearing "But I can't afford to take it to the vet" that I could just spit.

Animals get sick, they need care. If you cannot afford to spend $$ on it, YOU DO NOT NEED IT, period, I don't care how much you love them, or WANT to take care of them, if you cannot provide what they need, you are NOT being a good owner, and aren't being that animal's 'friend'.

If you then tell me you cannot afford a 10$ bottle of wormer or penicillin, then you REALLY don't need that animal.

This doesn't just go for goats, either, b/c I get it from dog / cat / horse / parakeet owners, as well.

It just boggles my flippin' mind that people think animals either can't or won't get sick, and worse, that when they do, that they don't HAVE to care for them properly. It is their responsibilty, just as it would be for a child. The animals can't go get it themselves!!!

*heaviest sigh ever*

Sorry for the rant, but I've had 2 emails today about sick goats, who want me to magically diagnose them AND tell them treatment is free.
Both sound like either cocci or worm issues, which ISN'T that expensive to treat...and could even have been avoided w/ GOOD CARE.

(Hello, don't wait until the HAIR IS FALLING OUT and they feel like "skin and bones" to wonder if everything is ok....)

I feel like saying,
"OK, hold the goat up to the computer a lil closer and I'll see what I think...?"

:he :hit :old :idunno :barnie


Alpaca Master
Jun 1, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Ohio
I understand completely. I get calls about problems with alpaca crias. Well, if you are going to birth your own alpacas, then you should have goat colostrum, banamine, oxytocin and Exceed on hand. Not to mention some type of goat milk or replacer in case the dam doesn't have milk or there is some type of problem that the dam can't nurse the cria. I can't stand hearing "but I don't use a whole bottle of banamine, oxytocin or exceed before it expires and don't want to pay for a whole bottle if I don't use it."

For goodness sakes, they can write off all the meds on their tax returns. Better than scrambling to find someone who can help them and have the meds on hand. Better than a cria dying and now that $1500 to $5000 breeding has been wasted and the cria could have been saved. Granted there is always a live birth guarantee with alpaca breeding but you still lose a whole year and if it is a female, you really lose.

Also amazing how they spend all that money on an alpaca and don't want to call out the vet. Like you said, if you can't afford to take care of a sick animal, you shouldn't own them, no matter what kind of animal.

Plus, don't call me if you don't really want to take my advice. I also hate hearing that the animal died and they didn't call the vet out or didn't give the meds or didn't bottle feed! Your wasting my cell phone minutes and my time if you aren't going to take my advice! :rolleyes:

You happen to hit one of my pet peeves about people and animal ownership. Especially with livestock. :p


Ridin' The Range
May 25, 2009
Reaction score
I feel the same way and this a huge pet peeve of mine.

We have a lot of animals. I have an emergency account for them PLUS a credit card with a rather high limit just in case. I choose to care for them, I am responsible for any medical care they may need.

My Bullmastiffs breeder required an additional 500 dollars on top of the purchase price of my dog. She explained that while they screen potential homes as well as they can there is always the chance they may make a mistake.

That 500 is held in account for you at a vet of your choice. You can use it for routine care or emergencys.

Yes its a lot of money, but when you want a certain animal with certain blood lines its worth it.

I think people who may scoff at the idea may not be the ideal home for any animal.

I think my dogs breeder is exceptionally responsible and wish more breeders took this route.

It could save lives.

It is unfortunate however that people have to take these steps to ensure people provide appropriate care for their pets/livestock.

I just got off on my own little rant....Anyways I agree.


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
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From SNL "Weekend Update":

"This week, the first cat hip replacement was done, costing $2000. Thats only $2000 more than total cat replacement."

Funny, ha ha ha, right? But almost worse for goats, as so many folks don't really get all that attached to a goat and "total goat replacement" can be done for $75 or less in many cases..

We're looked at like :/ by a lot of folks because we actually use the vet for our goats. We've used the vet a lot lately, in fact, and I have bills to prove it. :barnie

Still, the more I use the vet, the more I learn, which means the less I'll have to use the vet in the future. I've got a cabinet full of meds at this point, many of which have this little "Rx" thingy on them.. Imagine that, huh?!? I know how to use them, too. :D

I guess I think of a vet visit as an investment in my education, as much as anything else. :)

On a somewhat related wife and I were talking last night about one of the vet techs at the clinic we FREQUENT.. lol Anyway, the wife's been thinking of going back to school and all of a sudden this look came over her face like a lightbulb came on.. She said, quite enthusiastically, "Maybe that's what I should do?!?!"

Heck yeah, man! Go, baby, go!!! :weee


Loving the herd life
May 22, 2009
Reaction score
NW Alabama
You lucky dog! Encourage her A LOT and you'll be right up there with the really lucky goat owners. I have meds with the little Rx thingy on them, too, and hope I never have to use them! Got them "just in case." Hopefully it's money "wasted", but just think how wonderful it will be if I needed them and ... voila' ... there they are. :cool:


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Our medicine cabinet grew exponentially this year as a result of some of the weird problems we've had.. Urinary calculi... Severe, otherworldly scours.. Accidental breedings (...stupid buckling...). Near collapse from anaphylaxis..

Been a rough year for our goats, unfortunately, but I think we've come through it better than a lot of the other folks we know.. Yikes..

Of course...that could be because WE USE THE VET. :p


True BYH Addict
Sep 3, 2009
Reaction score
McIntosh County, OK
Yes, if I were to rule the world:

Rule #l. A license to:

Bear children, must pass a test.

Have animals, must pass a test.

Also have financial means to maintain both.



Overrun with beasties
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
I agree, goats are a privilege not a right, no one has to own them, and if they are going to take on the task of keeping goats (or any pet for that matter) they need to be financially able to care for them, or give them away/sell them to someone who can. I hear that "I can't afford the vet" thing all the time too, and I have even taken in a few of those goats and saved their lives. The owner with one of them said thank you (after 6 weeks of intensive care) and left with the goat. I was out $300.00+ in medications, and all of my time-stupid woman.

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