The dark kids are Licorice Spice Drop's twin a doe and a buck. The brown ones are Snowflakes's (not in the above pictures) kids. My 19 year old daughter stepped in a played midwife and did a great job. They had a very rough start….meconium, couldn't figure out the nusring thing,
and pretty weak. All three are up now, but still not sure they are nursing. Yes, I have given them colostrum that I milked from their mom. I sure don't want bottle babies if I can help it. 2 boys, 1 girl
The part I hate about raising animals is seeing one of them suffering and having to put them down! Snowflake was in REALLY bad shape and we had to end her life. Even when they are hurting, and it's the right thing to do, it is still so hard. Her kids are doing much better and will be bottle babies…not my favorite thing because of work, but we will make this happen. One more doe due any time now.