How many walnuts should I feed my pig? I read they like nuts but don't want to make her sick. Also what should I do with her old bedding I read it should not be used for compost.
Thanks Brian
Are you talking hulled walnuts or the complete thing? A pig will only eat as many as it wants. It is not advisable to change their diet all at once and I would advise giving her something else as well. For example when a neighbor gave us bags & bags of acorns last year we substituted maybe a third of their feed with the acorns each day. Now our pigs are also free range so when Fall comes they are always out gleaning the nuts. They are extremely good for them.
Old bedding? If you compost it correctly it will be fine - let it really rot down well for 6 - 12 mths - that way any parasites that are present will be gone. Folks say you should not put pig manure on the garden as their digestive systems are very much like our own but there are folks out there using humanure so not sure what the problem is. A couple years ago before I had heard any of the "warnings" I let some of our pigs dig over the garden & then planted potatoes & kale - had no problems and I frequently hear of folks using pigs to rototiller their gardens.