Chillin' with the herd
Fritzi - purebred SF doe
Adelaide - purebred SF doe
Wren - purebred SF doe - SUPER excited about that DEPTH on her, but notice she's extremely lightly silvered... Sometimes my blues just don't get the silvering I'd like.
Camille - purebred SF doe - Out of a dam with 2 legs. Now that she's ALMOST done moulting she might actually do well on the show table... she's done worse that I would've thought because her coat was in such bad shape out of the growout pen (peed on).
RH11 - purebred SF doe - out of one of my fav. dams and a buck with 4 legs on him. So far, so good! 8 weeks old.
LH14 - purebred SF doe - this is the one I'm really excited about. Dam had 2 legs, sire has 4 legs. Just a baby at 8 weeks old.
LH16 - purebred SF doe - not quite as nice as her sister, but still pretty good. I wanted to make sure I had a 'backup'. If her sister really proves to be the better, this one will be available.
LH12 - purebred SF buck - longer than I'd like to see, but being from this most anticipated litter I thought I'd see how he turns out.
I'm expecting a litter out of my Isabella x Hermes (3 legs on Isabella, 4 legs on Hermes) soon, hoping to keep a buck and maybe a doe out of there too...