So I'm not new per say to keeping rabbits but it's been years since I've had any. My dad and I use to raise mix breed meaties when I was younger and that has been my only real rabbit experience. Right now I own Bantam Chickens and Call ducks and have been showing them for a year. I'm interested in expanding into show/pedigree/registered rabbits. I've been lurking and researching and I think I know what I want but I'm not sure.
I guess I should tell you about my set up. I want to raise them outdoors in hutches with the chickens and ducks. (they also live in hutches). I want them to be very docile because of children and I don't want a breed so competitive it seems like an uphill battle to place. I noticed that when I first started with chickens so I had to find a less popular breed to show. So since they are going to be raised in an outdoor enviroment they need to be a bit hardy.
I was looking into a couple of dwarf breeds like Netherlands and Holland Lops but those seem pretty popluar. I also looked at Thriantas and Mini lops but I don't know much about them. I also looked into some angora breeds but am unsure I understand everything envolved with their care.I want a dwarf to medium breed though.
Once I find a breed I like I'm nervous that the color genetics will send me over the edge. In chickens it seems everything is about understanding how one color will interact with another so you need to be on top of that, but the rabbit genetics seem a bit daunting. Is this the case for a newbie?
If im being to vague and you need more details just tell me. I rambled like this when I first started on BackyardChickens as well. So sorry! lol
I guess I should tell you about my set up. I want to raise them outdoors in hutches with the chickens and ducks. (they also live in hutches). I want them to be very docile because of children and I don't want a breed so competitive it seems like an uphill battle to place. I noticed that when I first started with chickens so I had to find a less popular breed to show. So since they are going to be raised in an outdoor enviroment they need to be a bit hardy.
I was looking into a couple of dwarf breeds like Netherlands and Holland Lops but those seem pretty popluar. I also looked at Thriantas and Mini lops but I don't know much about them. I also looked into some angora breeds but am unsure I understand everything envolved with their care.I want a dwarf to medium breed though.
Once I find a breed I like I'm nervous that the color genetics will send me over the edge. In chickens it seems everything is about understanding how one color will interact with another so you need to be on top of that, but the rabbit genetics seem a bit daunting. Is this the case for a newbie?
If im being to vague and you need more details just tell me. I rambled like this when I first started on BackyardChickens as well. So sorry! lol