Herd Master
I've never asked for advice on naming an animal, we've always kind of handled that ourselves. But, we are getting a new buckling from another farm in about a month. We reserved one last fall based on a breeding. The doe kidded on March 30th with 2 bucklings and a doeling. Since an animal is available we have now put down a deposit.
By the way if anyone is traveling from the Columbus OH area down I 77 through NC in the next 6 weeks and want me to pay for part of your trip just let me know.
So anyway, we get to pick the animals name, but we have to follow the farms naming system and they get to give the thumbs up or down to our choice
So, here's the system. The name has to fit with the "theme" of the does name. The does name is Panache which is flamboyant, or stylish, or courageous. When I googled it I saw references to a gentleman with a feather in his hat.
And, it has to contain part of the bucks name. In this case the breeder says it is "nat" in that sequence. Like Natural, National, etc.
Fortunately, there is a website that will give you every word in the English language with "nat" FYI, there are 1662.
We thought since it was a buckling, impregnate, or inseminate might be good
Ok, no "panache" there.
My first idea was "Nature Boy". You WWF fans certianly remember the Nature Boy Ric Flare. No lack of flamboyancy there. Wife doesn't like that one.
Second idea was "Coronation".
Our first choice at this point is "Fortunato". Character in an Edgar Allen Poe short story, an Italian nobleman (who unfortunately met a bad ending). Was also a character in a science fiction anthology in the 1980's known as the "Wild Card" series. "Fortunato" was an "ace" in the series based on a playing card theme.
Other ideas?
By the way if anyone is traveling from the Columbus OH area down I 77 through NC in the next 6 weeks and want me to pay for part of your trip just let me know.
So anyway, we get to pick the animals name, but we have to follow the farms naming system and they get to give the thumbs up or down to our choice
So, here's the system. The name has to fit with the "theme" of the does name. The does name is Panache which is flamboyant, or stylish, or courageous. When I googled it I saw references to a gentleman with a feather in his hat.
And, it has to contain part of the bucks name. In this case the breeder says it is "nat" in that sequence. Like Natural, National, etc.
Fortunately, there is a website that will give you every word in the English language with "nat" FYI, there are 1662.
We thought since it was a buckling, impregnate, or inseminate might be good
Ok, no "panache" there.
My first idea was "Nature Boy". You WWF fans certianly remember the Nature Boy Ric Flare. No lack of flamboyancy there. Wife doesn't like that one.
Second idea was "Coronation".
Our first choice at this point is "Fortunato". Character in an Edgar Allen Poe short story, an Italian nobleman (who unfortunately met a bad ending). Was also a character in a science fiction anthology in the 1980's known as the "Wild Card" series. "Fortunato" was an "ace" in the series based on a playing card theme.
Other ideas?
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