True BYH Addict

Brought home our new Nigerian Dwarf goats this last Wednesday. Today (3 days later) I noticed what looked like turds, rather than loose poop pellets, in the goat area.
The goats are 2 months old. The lady I bought them from gave them CDT shots and Ivermectin shortly before I brought them home. They were just weaned.
We have a lot of grass, mint, blackberries, etc that these girls have been eating. Their previous pen was mostly dirt, blackberries, and some short grass.
I've given them small amounts of BOSS, alfalfa pellets, and whole oats. They also have hay.
They're constantly moving, "talking", and happily interacting...not acting sick at all.
Should I be worried about the turd-like poops?
Edit to add: there are loose pellets mixed amongst the weird poo, too... I'm not sure which goat is leaving the big turds...and neither have messy rears
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