Chillin' with the herd
I'm getting a horse next year, and it will be the first one I have ever had! I'm really excited. I know I have to get an older one since I'm not the best rider in the world. I'm currently taking really good lessons from someone we know really well and trust. I am looking for a Norwegian Fjord Gelding because I have heard Geldings are the best, and Fjords are my favorite kind of horse . . . . My big question is, what age should my horse be? I don't really want him to be in the twenties . . . . but not below 10 either. My mom really wants a really old ''Been-there-done-that'' kind of horse. And I do agree. I just don't want a horse who gets lame a year after I get him, or has extreme health issues so that we have to get rid of him. I want a horse, who will be fit enough to canter (I'm a big fan of cantering and trotting) and who will love riding around trails in my back woods!
If you have any remarks or comments, please let me know! Please no rude remarks please, I am only a beginner.
Everyone was once!
If you have any remarks or comments, please let me know! Please no rude remarks please, I am only a beginner.