Ridin' The Range
It's time for me to actually tattoo my rabbits. I have eight sibling Angoras that are having their first molt. I'm grooming and plucking like mad, and have realized I can no longer tell a couple of my rabbits apart with their "new" coats.
I've looked at tattoo kits, but am wondering what I actually need to know. How difficult is it to tattoo? Does it require a lot of hand strength to do correctly? Do the rabbits struggle during it? Is it good to have a second person holding the rabbit, or can it be done by one person? Can an incomplete or not dark enough tattoo be redone, or is it a one-shot deal? Any pointers you've learned in your experience?
I've looked at tattoo kits, but am wondering what I actually need to know. How difficult is it to tattoo? Does it require a lot of hand strength to do correctly? Do the rabbits struggle during it? Is it good to have a second person holding the rabbit, or can it be done by one person? Can an incomplete or not dark enough tattoo be redone, or is it a one-shot deal? Any pointers you've learned in your experience?