On Saturday I gave my 5yo pregnant doe the bar vac CDT vaccine. On Sunday or the latest Monday I noticed her left eye was runny (clear) and then I saw this huge lump on the left side of her face. On Tuesday I noticed both eyes seemed a little runny and her nose a bit too. Today her nose is not running and her eyes not runny but has some goopy stuff. I can't find anything saying it would be related to the vaccine. Could something have entered in where she was vaccinated at (shoulder area)? What could it be? Seems like its not in the right spot for CL. I will call vet tomorrow but any guesses and/or suggestions about what it is and tests to run is appreciated. She eats and is totally normal. The lump feels hard. Maybe this lump has been there for a while as I can only notice it when viewing at certain angles. Then I think it's gone only to see it from a different angle.