Exploring the pasture
So, at the first of April, we plan to do a mass testing on our herd. We are closing our herd, so no new animals, and we want to have everyone tested across the board so we start *hopefully* on a clean bill of health. We're planning to do CAE, CL, Johne's, and maybe Brucella? Do any of you do that one? And, as that's the time to do it, we're also sending in a preg test on one of our does to Biotracking.
So, Biotracking does the preg test (only ones that do, i think?) and CAE for an additional $4.
But they don't do anything else. So, it looks like WADDL and PAVLabs are the two main ones for the other tests. Who do you use, and why? We're doing tests on 8 animals, so please, as easy on the wallet as we can be, while still getting reliable results.
Also, where in the world do you get the vacutainers???? I've searched all over, and I can't find them anywhere, except to order them directly from Biotracking, and those are 2cc vials, and everyone else (WADDL and PAV) say they need 3cc to do the tests.
So, Biotracking does the preg test (only ones that do, i think?) and CAE for an additional $4.
But they don't do anything else. So, it looks like WADDL and PAVLabs are the two main ones for the other tests. Who do you use, and why? We're doing tests on 8 animals, so please, as easy on the wallet as we can be, while still getting reliable results.
Also, where in the world do you get the vacutainers???? I've searched all over, and I can't find them anywhere, except to order them directly from Biotracking, and those are 2cc vials, and everyone else (WADDL and PAV) say they need 3cc to do the tests.