Loving the herd life
A couple months ago I bought a bred nubian doe. Upon purchasing her I asked the seller what her due date was. He told me he didn't know off the top of his head but to email him and he'd find out. So when I got home I emailed him and his response was "Well, she should be due in March."
That is so vague!
The reason for this post is I need answers to my following questions:
1. I normally give CD&T vaccinations, and BoSe shots at certain points of their pregnancy. For example, I sometimes give CD&T and BoSe at 4-5 weeks before she is due. I also need to worm her soon (she is showing signs of needing it) and I'm trying to find the most effective/SAFE time to do it (which right now I think is a 50 days before due).. If I don't know my doe's due date, when I'm finding the date to do these things, what should I "estimate" the due date as? March 1st maybe???
2. I know basic signs of kidding such as, "vanishing" ligaments, nesting, licking at stomach, laying down alot, vaginal discharge, growth in udders.... Do you know any other signs?
I just contacted the breeder again to see if he could give me a more specific date. He now told me that he put her in with the buck on September 1st and they were together until October 18th! Now what should I estimate her due date as? If you were given these dates, when would you give CD&T vaccination, BoSe, and worm her?

The reason for this post is I need answers to my following questions:
1. I normally give CD&T vaccinations, and BoSe shots at certain points of their pregnancy. For example, I sometimes give CD&T and BoSe at 4-5 weeks before she is due. I also need to worm her soon (she is showing signs of needing it) and I'm trying to find the most effective/SAFE time to do it (which right now I think is a 50 days before due).. If I don't know my doe's due date, when I'm finding the date to do these things, what should I "estimate" the due date as? March 1st maybe???
2. I know basic signs of kidding such as, "vanishing" ligaments, nesting, licking at stomach, laying down alot, vaginal discharge, growth in udders.... Do you know any other signs?
I just contacted the breeder again to see if he could give me a more specific date. He now told me that he put her in with the buck on September 1st and they were together until October 18th! Now what should I estimate her due date as? If you were given these dates, when would you give CD&T vaccination, BoSe, and worm her?