What would you do...?


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry this is so long but some back story is required:

I bought 3 goats from a lady she was very nice and clearly loved her goats very much. I really liked the goats too, but I got sick shortly after buying them, ended up in the hospital, and found out I have a heart condition that does not have a very favorable outcome even with surgery, so they don't want to do it unless its really necessary, and it will be okay if I don't exert myself or lift anything remotely heavy. And hay, feed, water, stall cleaning, and all aspects of goat keeping are no longer a possibility, truly devastating, since I love my goats. I started downsizing my herd and sold everyone except the three I bought from her and three of my does that I've had the longest. I tried contacting the lady I bought them from and couldn't get a hold of her. By this point I am totally out of the barnyard on bed rest counting on friends and family to care for my animals, so I listed the three I just bought from her since time was of the essence. I got one goat free in the package sale from her and did sell that one but I actually lost money since I had all 3 registered and sold the 2 I bought for less then I paid her so selling the 3rd one made up some of the difference. She's been driving me nuts with emails, she emailed me about seeing them listed online, after they had been sold and left my property, of course. I explained the above to her and that they went to safe homes with loving families. and she is still emailing me, about wishing she'd not sold them and helping her get in touch with the new owners, and so on. She is not being mean but I'm not healthy or well and I don't need any extra work and stress from dealing with this. Not to mention I had an issue registering 2 of them since she didn't pay her dues and wasn't a member of ADGA when they were born so the tattoos didn't work, and then the 7 month old doe I bought was bred at the time I bought her so before 6 months old...by her twin brother since they weren't separated soon enough by her. I gave one of the people I sold one of the goats to her email so they could keep in touch if the new owner wished, but I won't give out peoples emails without their permission, sorry. So all the goats I bought from her are sold and I'm working on selling my last 3 and I told her that and she emailed me again saying she has does that got pregnant too soon from the buck I bought from her and she wants me to send her his registration papers so she can register any kids that are born at her place...which I don't think is how that works anyway. But I don't own that goat and that means I'd need to email the new owner and get her to do that and explain the whole thing to her, and a lot of work for someone who is on bed rest. I'm not sure what to do I don't want to be rude and I don't want her calling me, using all my minutes, or showing up here all angry and all. The doctors told me that exertion and stress could literately kill me right now...what should I do, what can I do or say? Am I being unreasonable or wrong here? I can't deal with this right now, and I don't need it going any further.


Loving the herd life
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
The way I see it -- Once she decided to sell to you they became yours to do with as you see fit. (unless you signed a contract saying otherwise) If you want to sell them you should be able to without her permission. As long as you know they went to good homes then she has no right to "check up on the goats". That is what happens when you sell an animal-- you no longer control what happens to them. I would stop answering her calls, emails and texts. Block her from calling you if you must. Don't answer your door if she comes over. Put the police on speed dial if necessary. Good luck and inhale/exhale and relax.


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
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Northeast Mississippi
X 2!!!!!

Hope your health issues improve...right now your main concern has to be your own health...take good care of yourself! :hugs


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Understanding her being upset....the animals are yours to do with as you see fit.

I would personally repeat to her that I had in fact tried to get ahold of her, but now it is too late. They have wonderful homes. I would say, I am sorry if you are disappointed, so am I. Now please leave me in peace, I have health issues that I am dealing with and I appreciate your cooperation.

Then I would be silent. No more answering calls, or emails.

I agree with not giving out anyone elses contact info. As for her goats being bred before she sold the buck....not your problem!

Hope you are able to be safe and comfortable! :hugs Sorry about having to give up your goats! :hugs


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks guys I might just do that, and I am trying to get better, thanks for the well wishes. I really do feel bad about the whole situation, my goats were like parts of the family it won't be the same here without them but I want them to be well cared for and if I can't do it they are better off with someone else. And I agree if you sell an animal you hope for the best but they don't belong to you once you take that money and see them leave, if you wanted them don't sell them. The best a seller can do is some basic screening and be there if a problem arises or to answer any questions the new owner has.

But honestly I'm worried she's going to show up here if I don't respond. and since she clearly doesn't care or understand that I'm not well she might cause a stressful situation for me if I refuse to speak with her, and that isn't something I can handle right now. I don't know if she'd be that way but, its weird that she's so worked up and if someone told me they had been in the hospital and were really sick I wouldn't be asking them to do work for me that would benefit only myself because of personal irresponsibility especially after causing multiple problems with registration and improper goat management to the new owner? Its dumbfounding to me and not logical and illogical people are unpredictable and that scares me.


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
You explained the situation to her and she is not happy and that really is not your problem or your concern. You did the best you could for the animals, which is all most reasonable people would expect of you. You don't owe her any more of your precious time.


Loving the herd life
Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
Griswold, CT
Sylverfly said:
Thanks guys I might just do that, and I am trying to get better, thanks for the well wishes. I really do feel bad about the whole situation, my goats were like parts of the family it won't be the same here without them but I want them to be well cared for and if I can't do it they are better off with someone else. And I agree if you sell an animal you hope for the best but they don't belong to you once you take that money and see them leave, if you wanted them don't sell them. The best a seller can do is some basic screening and be there if a problem arises or to answer any questions the new owner has.

But honestly I'm worried she's going to show up here if I don't respond. and since she clearly doesn't care or understand that I'm not well she might cause a stressful situation for me if I refuse to speak with her, and that isn't something I can handle right now. I don't know if she'd be that way but, its weird that she's so worked up and if someone told me they had been in the hospital and were really sick I wouldn't be asking them to do work for me that would benefit only myself because of personal irresponsibility especially after causing multiple problems with registration and improper goat management to the new owner? Its dumbfounding to me and not logical and illogical people are unpredictable and that scares me.
If you give her a final "leave me alone" email, and she shows up, I would call the police the minute you realize she is there.


Chillin' with the herd
May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry to hear of your illness. I have been a cardiac nurse (CVICU) for 18 yrs. These things can happen to anyone and its not like you can plan for it so I don't know why this women is giving you a hard time. I would probably send her one more email saying she must cease and desist or you will call the police as this situation has turned into harassment. If she does it one more time then file a complaint. Get your bill of sale and all the emails she has sent you together. Also if she calls you or leaves phone messages, save those as well. Really, I think, with that much evidence you could go ahead and file a complaint now.
Once someone sells something it is no longer theirs, it is yours to sell or give away.

bj taylor

Chillin' with the herd
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
let her know that your life is more important than the goats. if she is unhappy w/that she can refuse to sell you anymore goats. ;) tell her you have done what you can and you are not going to pass on any more information. if you feel you are unable to handle a confrontation w/her - give the police a heads up. let them know your health/life is at stake and you are feeling harrassed. let her know you have done what you could and the issue is closed. if she persists - she will converse w/the police - not you. don't fret about upsetting her. sounds like she needs a little reality check.

real sorry about your health. sure hope it gets better.