Mini-M Ranch
Overrun with beasties
I have a doe that might be bred (the breeder where I got her wasn't sure as she had a buck that jumped the fence). THe breeder told me to check Oreo's udder, and if there were any changes, it might be an indication that she is bed.
At first, Oreo seemed okay with me touching her udder and her belly, etc. The last few days, when I touch her udder or belly, she kind of "hunches", then she will stomp her back foot and walk away. Does she just need to get used to me messing around down there, or might there be something wrong?
The other doe I have doesn't care for being touched on her belly or udder. Well, right now she doesn't want us to pet her anywhere besides nose and cheeks. She had an eye infection that we treated with Bio-Mycin in the eye. She still has not forgiven us. But, she always runs away when you touch her udder. THese are the girls I want to milk in the spring. Should I just keep trying or let them cool out for a while? We got them on 9-5, so maybe they are just not entirely comfortable with us?
The doelings will let us pet them, hold them, will give us hugs and kisses. I guess they are too young for contrariness.
At first, Oreo seemed okay with me touching her udder and her belly, etc. The last few days, when I touch her udder or belly, she kind of "hunches", then she will stomp her back foot and walk away. Does she just need to get used to me messing around down there, or might there be something wrong?
The other doe I have doesn't care for being touched on her belly or udder. Well, right now she doesn't want us to pet her anywhere besides nose and cheeks. She had an eye infection that we treated with Bio-Mycin in the eye. She still has not forgiven us. But, she always runs away when you touch her udder. THese are the girls I want to milk in the spring. Should I just keep trying or let them cool out for a while? We got them on 9-5, so maybe they are just not entirely comfortable with us?
The doelings will let us pet them, hold them, will give us hugs and kisses. I guess they are too young for contrariness.