Your own clients can help in Funding the existing bussiness. Disscussion & Feedback

Illia Ivanin

Just born
Dec 13, 2022
Reaction score
Hello everyone,
What is your opinion on the platform I'm building:
  • The main goal is to help farmers to raise money through the community (clients). It's like crowdfunding but way more straightforward and more advantageous.
  • The second goal is to continue to engage the community after the fundraising and transform the participants into co-investors, influencers, advocates, etc., to impact the revenue.
Basically, we think if the farmer develops the community around his products, it will positively impact his revenue.
We had a couple of very successful cases in Estonia and were considering extending to the UK firstly and other direction as a secondary goal.

Do you find community building & community funding relevant to you?

Do you think you can spare more time for community building, client engagement, storytelling about your product, etc.? I know farmers are very busy!

I’d be very glad to get the feedback and open for any discussion with you guys.