Callie Pups!New homes & Teaching Moments

Do you think DNA will show any Toli/Pyr crosses?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 25.0%

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Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
7 am.... rescued the stupid Welsummer from under a pile of 10 pups.:th :ep :barnie :rolleyes:

Welsummer was fine. :hu

Can I just say :th

These boys are a real handful right now and they are growing so big.
They are being kept lean as they will be very heavy boned and I do not want them in any way fat! They are now 27-29 lbs at 8 and a half weeks.
They look good and they really don't look that heavy but my goodness they are heavy.

There are a few that I just love so much. Why can't I already be moved so I can keep them? :hit
Had a few surprises in working with them today. My mildest mannered pup was corrected 3 x in a row and he actually challenged me! :eek: Of course I held him in submission til he understood but it did surprise me. My boy in "manning " up! :D

The down side to pulling all our kids this year... yeah no protective goats out there to correct the pups. Now that was some bad timing.
Will be taking a few in with some bucks, and then back with the Kiko bucks. A FEW at a time.
Today I had 3 that decided they wanted Chunk to play... Chunk does not want to play with them. :\ They were rather persistent even with Chunk growling and letting them know CLEARLY that they needed to back off. Did they? Nope.
Couple of Roosters gave the pups a what for today.


Loving the herd life
Jan 16, 2015
Reaction score
Don't you love that little tantrum they throw when they realise you've just said I'm not letting you get away with what you just did!
I wish I lived in the USA so I could have one of your boys SBC!
I'm adamant I want enough land and enough animals that I'll need a pair of LGDs :lol:

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
And the saga continues! :rolleyes:

Got a call from UC Davis.
Ready for this?

They are sending us more swabs! We need to re-swab the 2 males! "D" and "Tiggs" (Arkados) :th:th:th:th

Either a lab mix up, contaminated swab, or one of boys is a girl! :lol:
They are unable to get a good marker.
Hoping the swabs are in today. :\ If not hopefully Monday! We will re-swab and fed-ex out.

Pups are HUGE! and adorable! :love :love :love and bad! :p
..and poop ALOT!

Will get weights on them today. Friday (13th) they turned 9 weeks!


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Couldn't help but laugh over the silly chicken situation :lol::gig... Whatever are they (silly birds) thinking when they get into these situations :he??? Glad your wellie survived the onslaught! Could have been bad all around :barnie but worst for the bird :hit

Sorry that the "experts" at UC Davis are seeming to prove otherwise... Kinda makes a person think aye? Hope this is the final hurdle for you and you finally get the results.

Having watched the pups grow through your photographic efforts, I must say that there ARE a couple in that group that look like they (may) have a touch of pyr in them :celebrate... They are ALL beautiful pups/dogs regardless! :love

OK, on another completely unrelated note... been reading your sig all this time and just have to ask... what the devil is a "super" mutt? Literal? figurative? what mix? Have a GREAT weekend!

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
what the devil is a "super" mutt?

Super Mutt- "Lucy"
Lucy is a boxer/lab mutt. The runt of the litter that I picked out of a box at Wal-Mart. She reminded me of another dog I had years ago (purebred Boxer that had a brain tumor) anyway. Lu was trained by one of my best GSD's (German Shepherd Dogs) never needed a fence the GSD taught her boundaries and corrected her at every step. Eventually the GSD passed away, Lu is the best "Super" mutt ever. She will do anything asked. From ferreting out a possum and ending it's existence, to ferreting out rogue chickens in the briers, no mole can escape her, knocking off roosters that are trying to perpetually mate a hen that is protesting, lets us know someone is pulling up or that a stranger is here... well before our LGD's are even aware. LOL She will round up and put away any bird, keeps the mean turkeys off of us, loyal family farmdog, tolerates chicks all over her, baby goats climbing, lgd pups harassing her and has watched 6 LGD's grow up. She is on the very bottom of the pecking order , even lower than a cat, BUT every LGD here protects her with everything they have and in the house yield to her. So much so that when our current GSD harasses her :rolleyes: and Callie was in the house recuperating, Callie flew from one end of the room to the other and was n the GSD in 1 second... they all look out for Lu.
Amy who hates everyone LOL lets Lucy come up and sniff her newborn pups, she'd kill any other dog though.
She has grown up with 9 children, dressed up, painted nails, worn hats, and been subjected to all kinds of indignities yet she is still super patient. Old now but still keeps going strong. Not as fast as she once was but in her day I'd a put her up against a Whippet or a Greyhound... lightening fast!
Truly a super dog. We all say she should be stuffed when she dies so we can carry her from room to room. We think Lucy would like that.She is just that kind of dog.:lol:
I will need to post some blast from the past pics... I was looking for some and it made me laugh to see all the pups.

Lucy though is kinda the Rodney Dangerfield of dogs. Gets no respect.:D


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Thanks for the explanation Southern... Now it all makes perfect sense, and I can tell by the depth of your explanation that Lucy is very high on YOUR "like/pecking order" list. You obviously love her very much and I'm sure it will be devastating when her time finally comes. But in the mean time, continue to love and enjoy her company! Super mutt indeed!


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
The pups are just amazing! We are all so blessed to have someone like you here to give us guidance with our dogs. Peron and Zorya are going to be great LGD's A lot of that is because of you. Jack is wonderful but he has some quirks that if I had known what I know now, we may have been able to prevent.

Thank you. For sharing your wonderful dogs and your great advice.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
The pups are just amazing! We are all so blessed to have someone like you here to give us guidance with our dogs. Peron and Zorya are going to be great LGD's A lot of that is because of you. Jack is wonderful but he has some quirks that if I had known what I know now, we may have been able to prevent.

Thank you. For sharing your wonderful dogs and your great advice.

Thank You Jodie, very kind words. :hugs

This weekend was a busy one and this week will be even more so.

First my swabs came in so yesterday :)
I will reswab the 2 males and send them in Fed ex.
Hopefully the results by the end of the week. :fl

The dogs have been in the small field daily now.
Not an easy task. The first day was oh boy do we have our hands full! :eek: Lots and I mean LOTS of correction.
Each day has been better. We have 4, 8-9 week old Nigie kids in the field as well as Mo clone's kids (1 month old).... yesterday I saw great submission to the kids! Woo Hoo! Other than MoClone's kids the rest of the kids have no "parent" to watch out for them. These kids were pulled so their mommas don't know them. They are on there own so to speak.

Hotwire! UGH The part I hate! It has also led to a few issues. :\
Eliza is 11 months old now and the "queen" of the field. She sees it as HER field and Callie is a "guest". When I say it is Eliza's field there is nothing you can do to keep her from her field. If we put her in the front field and her goats are in the back she will one way or another get to "her" goats. If strangers are here she will get out of her stall, barn, front field... wherever and immediately go to where she can "supervise". Well when a pup gets bit by the wire of course momma dog Callie will go flying to rescue her screaming pup... that running and tearing across the field is something Eliza doesn't like. She sees that as disturbing her field and her goats. So she has gotten up in Callie's face a few times. I have stood between them and used my body as a drive back force.
Until Sunday....:eek: Eliza does not recognize Callie as part of the pack but tolerates her in her field. This time pup gets bit, Callie runs over, Eliza takes off and now Callie and Eliza are in a face off. Saturday it rained all day and we had MUD everywhere... so here we have 2 females going head to head, lots of "noise" both dogs on back feet standing tall going at it. I knew this would not be serious so I did not grab any leads or try to intervene but let it take its course... Callie is still very underweight and not as much strength, but she is a mature LGD and seasoned. Eliza an 11 month of pup... It went on for about a minute or so and then it was over. Callie took her down sideways... slam! right into the grossest thickest mud, got in her face and didn't let Eliza move.

Mind you NOT one bite (no punctures... nothing like that) Eliza was beat. It was actually kind of sad. :( I have never seen a dog so humiliated. Eliza got up and walked away, she was depressed, and I really think embarrassed. She went off on her own the rest of the day. Her confidence and pride bruised. I went to Eliza and told her she had done well. Gave her a hug and told her she held her own. Callie of course came over sat by me head held high almost boasting.

I was proud of Eliza. She showed tenacity! The girl has some Moxie. Showed me she will not go down easily and at 11 months she was a dog that will mature well. Eliza also will not forget.

Yesterday a repeat with the pups but no fight just all the dogs ran to see what was up with the pup. Cal and Eliza both had their hackles up. Later Eliza went up to Callie kind of like a gesture... Callie got a little arrogant and as soon as Eliza saw the body language She perked her head and body up very tall and put her head over Callie. I saw it in her eyes. She is not beat and let Callie know it.

I do want everyone to know in no way do I believe in having dogs that fight and I do not hold to the fact that they should have to fight to prove themselves. This was a pecking order thing and not one tooth penetrated the other dog. This was a battle of strength, and noise.

Also shows ya that my couch potato, spoiled Callie is still a LGD. :lol:

Pups are doing great. Have a few that are highly dominant and 3 that form there own "team" and they like to take on Chunk (Wilson)... Chunk is not too fond of this and lets them know (loudly with lots of snarls) they better back off. This little group seems to think oh look he wants to play. :rolleyes:

Later I will expand on this and why this next step is important. I will also put up some pics.:)