Herd Master
OK, I read all of that. And I guess it is no big deal if you say so butHey, it's not a big deal.

OK, I read all of that. And I guess it is no big deal if you say so butHey, it's not a big deal.
OUCH !!!!!!I knew a guy that walked into the pointy end of one..poked a nice big hole in his belly too.. (which is what I first thought happened to the guy that walked into my house shot Christmas Eve..)
At what age do you think the cutoff should be?Frankly I don't understand why there is a "you lose it the day you turn 26" thing at all.
Don't know why there should be one at all. I can see adding a premium for a family member if they are no longer dependents but why force them onto their own? Especially with the attempt to kill the ACA. Under pre ACA if you didn't have a job that provided health insurance there was no way you could afford it as an individual not in a "big pool" unless you had a job that paid a lot. And those jobs usually come with benefits.At what age do you think the cutoff should be?