Chillin' with the herd
This is our first year with our Dorper/Katahdins and our first experience with newborn lambs. I have a Dorper/Katahdin male born 3 weeks ago. He is a twin among triplets. Initially we were not worried about him. It was the other twin that we needed to watch. He did fine for the first week/week and a half. Then we began to notice reduced activity level. We offered milk, but he didn't take it and we saw him nursing at times. Then a week ago last Friday, our weather temps dropped and we found him shivering in the corner by himself. We brought him inside and it took a couple hours before he warmed up. We also were force feeding him at this time. The next day he seemed better so we returned him outside and continued to check on him, etc. Sunday he seemed fine in the morning and early afternoon. When we returned that night, he was once again alone and this time twitching. It took more hours to warm him up again. We continued to force feed him. The next day he was doing better, but we decided to keep him in the house for the week and the extra cold and watch him. He learned to take a bottle very efficiently. The cold snap is over and it is back to just normal cold. All other sheep are and have been fine. Yesterday we took him outside for about an hour. Today, we put him outside from 9:30 until we checked on him now at 3:30. It was time to feed him again. When we went out, he didn't want to eat. He had been laying with the sheep, but when he heard us, he jumped up and came to us. He also appeared to be shivering some again. We brought him inside and he still does not want to eat.
I am wondering what his problem could be. Is it still that he has not gained enough weight? He's smaller than the other twin, but deffinitely bigger than last week. And of course, when they were born, they were all very small and they did fine. Is it possible he has some problem regulating his temperature? I don't know what to do for him. It's not possible to put a heating lamp in our barn as there is no electricity.
I am wondering what his problem could be. Is it still that he has not gained enough weight? He's smaller than the other twin, but deffinitely bigger than last week. And of course, when they were born, they were all very small and they did fine. Is it possible he has some problem regulating his temperature? I don't know what to do for him. It's not possible to put a heating lamp in our barn as there is no electricity.