Recent content by Baymule

  1. Baymule

    Young Lamb Feed Consumption

    She could be stunted and never grow to size enough to carry a pregnancy. Or she could take off like a weed, or grow more slowly to full size. You just never know until you try.
  2. Baymule

    Free animals?

    Transportation from wherever to your location could be a problem….. LOL
  3. Baymule

    Breeding Plans for Market Lambs

    It sure can’t hurt, let him in! Be sure to include a feed pan of alfalfa pellets as a romantic dinner gift! A splash of wine in the water bucket……LED imitation candles, up out of reach of course, Barry White songs…….
  4. Baymule

    Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)

    Send her your name and information. @peteyfoozer you need to make an animal will and make sure Randy knows where it is. Give Mini Horses yours and his phone numbers, so if you disappear on us, she can call and find out what is going on. You might consider a list of possible recipients or...
  5. Baymule

    rachels.haven's Journal

    All great ideas!
  6. Baymule

    The journey into the abyss of no return

    You will certainly have majestic scenic views!
  7. Baymule

    Watering nipples...anyone have them for sheep?

    10 years in and still using buckets. A friend has a neat set up, a 3 sided shelter for the water tub, with float and automatic refill. Water stays cool and he’s not dragging hoses around. I’ll have to investigate that more closely.
  8. Baymule

    My Little Hoop Coop

    It’s coming along! You are building for a permanent structure. Taking your time, doing it right, for a coop that will give you years of service. I threw mine up in 4 days……. Temporary scrap and crap that is evidence of my lack of give a _ _ _ _ (manure) attitude. 😂 I don’t intend to keep it...
  9. Baymule

    Ram seems to be getting aggressive.

    I will not tolerate a mean animal. Bad attitude? Hello dinner! Or sale barn. Gone. Rams can be feisty, they can act a little ramish, but one that’s intent on breaking my legs has got to go.
  10. Baymule

    Breeding Plans for Market Lambs

    Katahdins are supposedly non seasonal because they are based on the Saint Croix breed. But since they are a composite breed, the other breeds in their genetics can lean more to seasonal. Even the Saint Croix can become more seasonal because in their native land, there’s not much “seasons” it’s a...
  11. Baymule

    Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along

    Get Ozel and Hazine OFA tested! Buford T Justice is waiting! LOL I’ll be getting quotes on a barn roof (I can put up sides) this month. I have plans formulated in my twisted mind, for a visiting female suite. It will be walled with horse panels, floored and covered, no escape!
  12. Baymule

    Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along

    Nice pump house! I know you have diabolical plans for storage! That’s awful about Tavir getting snake bit. Poor girl. I need to call Eric and chat with him.
  13. Baymule

    Coffee anyone ?

    Tranny law……
  14. Baymule

    Baymule’s Journal

    No chicken slaughter this week! I’ve been inundated by chickens! Done with the free show culls, fed out to 6 1/2 pounds to 7 1/2 pounds and one 8 pounder! Lots of meat! I have lots of the back pieces and trimmings that I want to can for the dogs. My stove has a microwave over it with 13” of...
  15. Baymule


    Top notch Katahdins! LOL young ewes having fun on the dirt pile, sporting winter fur.