Good feet of course is a must
Able to move out relaxed and willingly
A lot of show horses do well in 2nd careers of distance riding because they are often bored of the show ring and enjoy the challenge of the trail
Able to go through water, over logs, maneuver rocks, slopes and odd things...
The herd name of a goat is whomever owned the doe at the time she was bred to the buck. Real life example. I bought a pregnant doe years back. We had to register the offspring under the previous owner's herd name rather than mine.
You can apply for a herd name. I think it's like $20
I pay $15 for stud fee on a fullblood Boer buck, but that's our "4-H discount" so it might be more for you.
Luckily, I'm in the goat business full-time and so is this stud owner. So it's a pretty simple matter of whenever I see target doe standing at fence, blatting and waving her tail, I then...
Like Babs, we're in the middle of rennovations for a dairy.
I was "gifted" with 4 more milking does. Luckily, a milking machine and vacuum pump came with them. Unfortunately, we don't have 220v in the shed.
So we're moving from a 10 x 12 shed into our garage. Garage has cement floor, 220 power...
Talk to people at the feed store, BYH forum, 4-H clubs, goat shows, fairs, livestock auctions, farmer's markets.
Find goat clubs in your area. Don't need to join, but a lot of them have breeder databases/lists for the state/area.
Do you want to buy a stud for yourself or just pay...
I had my neighbor's goats sorta thrust upon me, so my herd almost tripled in size over a few days.
My dairy does have a south-facing run. With the addition of more goats, they couldn't all fit in the shed. So DBF made a "goat-zebo" of a tarp and t-posts to add shade to their run. Well, one doe...
Yes, they would be half-siblings.
Yes, you can breed them. Having different moms increases genetic diversity but also makes dad more prepotent. It's very common in the horse world, esp. Arabians, to breed half-siblings.
I would if the sire is something you want to perpetuate (ie his dam was a...
Antler art may be another idea: lamps, tables, shelves, etc... They typically command high prices too.
Custom log/wood milling, but that requires a lot of equipment as investment.
Leather working, leather crafts, furs. I raise meat goats and also buy goats that people want to get rid of, but...
DBF was VERY disappointed when he discovered that the while the local county fair has costume classes for goats, there are no costume classes for sheep. :(
I've been at both ends: a boarder and a boarding stable employee.
No real bad experiences as a boarder. I've been pretty happy all the places I've been at. Just moved around because a) I moved or b) barn owners decided to sell farm and downsize. I was invited to go with them, but I wanted an...
I have horned goats and daughters too (biological and step, current ages 10 and 8). We have a rule that they are not allowed in with goats--horned or otherwise--unless an adult is nearby.
Horned or disbudded, I have never had an issue with head-butting humans. Sure, they slam into one another...
Some good news on this front.
People who I got the goats from still want to get milk from me. Also, I forgot that neighbor husband and my DBF work together. DBF just called, letting me know that the co-workers who got milk from them want milk from us now. Granted, they pay less than the co-op...
No, I think he's one of the ugliest sheep out there. My DBF loves him precisely BECAUSE he is so weird and ugly. My DBF doesn't compliment me much, but he said I did a good job of shearing him.
I know Roving Jacobs and others on here have Jacobs Sheep too, but theirs are much nicer looking...
Actually found out more of his backstory over the course of the last month. A local guy found him wandering around the area. Actually, a lot of people found him wandering around. My hay guy told me that his mother used to call him up, "Tony, the sheep is back!" when Sheepicorn would wander into...