I love love love frogs. We had so many in our pond at our ranch in Murphys CA.
Up here, not many show up. Great job!!
I also love Iris, second to glads.
My Mother moved into assisted living two weeks ago. Her mind has taken a huge hit just from that move, from independent living to AL. Sad. She's 94.5 yr old. Her boyfriend will be 93 this June, and he moved with her. ONLY NOW is Mother getting less stubborn...:he
DD was potty trained by 2.5. Son, on the other hand, refused. One day I had just had it with him.
I bribed him. Go use the toilet today and tomorrow and then we'll got to Toy R Us and buy you anything you want. It worked like a charm!!!
Oh Dear Lord. How much can you pile on Margali? Its about enough right now. Thank you, and Amen.
I'm glad she's on her way to full recovery, little sweetie!
Well, there is good news and not so good news. This is Ladies Only material.
At 70, I've been spotting. Went to get ultrasound in December and then obgyn this month. Turns out my old lady part was waaaaay too thick with lining. Hmmmm.....take samples and look for uterine cancer.
Got the...
I get the 5% from my Lowes card and I sign up for any 5% for our Discover card. Its been 5% at Home D for this last quarter. It then switches to grocery stores on April 1st with 5% rebate.