See, I remembered that literally twenty minutes after posting this thread; So now I'm debating if I should get some already egg-laying hens and then since I have a rooster and all that I could just incubate the eggs from the new hens...but I'm still debating it.
So, I'm going to order chickens, probably next spring...or maybe in the summer, but really I don't want to order any birds in the summer; with it being hot and all, but I might. Or I'll just incubate some chicks. I really haven't ordered any specific breeds in a long time and for a while now all...
I'm back after disappearing for...however long lol. (I'm so late to this thread) As far as what's been happening on the farm recently---we really, really downsized; mostly due to the fact that I have school and everything and with a big family and a lot of people with different things going on...
So, I'm in a program and I'm going to be doing a presentation on Poultry and Egg science!
And I've got to choose from these topics to discuss:
Broiler Chickens
Chicken Breeds vs. Egg Color
Refrigerated eggs vs. Non-refrigerated eggs
Free range vs. Chickens held in houses
My mentor says...
.....SO. Our ewe had a lamb a day ago [its a girl] and I got so excited about the lamb...but then, it hit me. I COULD MILK THE EWE AND MAKE CHEESE AGAIN. So, I'm over here gettin' ahead of myself...then I realize; I GOTTA WAIT FOR ABOUT TWO WEEKS BEFORE I CAN DO THAT :barnie:hit
Uh... @Baymule breeds are:
Rhode mixed with buff brahma
A rare black bird from New Zealand
And a bunch of mixes resulting from the above. But a roo from our neighbor jumped the fence so maybe that's the father. I think hes like some kind of huge fancy bird. Dont know.
@Larsen Poultry Ranch We have 5 roos but all are directly related.
However another rooster jumped over onto our property...so maybe the chicks are his? And yes, they are mutts.
Hey @Baymule,
So the chick didn't make it. :hit
But our big ol' brooder just hatched 3 new birds! They are huge in comparison to our other birds we hatched or even the other brooder's chicks! See attached. Any ideas why?
And yes, I will keep asking these questions...there's a reason my name...