I have decided to stay on the tie her routine for a week or two. If she doesn’t accept the lamb, I’m going to put him on Craigslist as a bottle baby. I’ll bottle feed him to get him started.
I’ll be outside shortly after daylight to tie Granny up so the ram lamb can eat. I’ll let her loose for breakfast then tie her up again. She is stout! It’s a fight, I don’t see this ending in my favor.
Only kid rejects I've had was a trip. She did everything for it but let it nurse. Weird!! There were 2 white & this black. Always felt that was reason...
I finally gave the poor little guy a bottle. I held Granny today and he sucked but his tummy was not fat and full. .She wasn’t letting her milk down. I gave him 3 bottles of 4 ounces each this late afternoon to 5:00. Finally his tummy was full.
It is such a shame that she is a bad mom. She has grown into a beautiful ewe and her bloodlines are terrific. She is out of my Lewis ram and he threw gorgeous stock. I am so sad for you but a ewe that won't produce or raise her lambs is worthless no matter how nice an animal she is. Hopefully the mothering she is giving to the ewe lamb will come through when that lamb is bred and produces.