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  1. themrslove

    How to entice a new bottle kid to eat?

    Hi! I recently brought home a 4 week old kid. He was previously being dam raised and is just not quite getting the hint about the bottle! He absolutely will NOT take it on his own. We have tried regular baby bottle nipples (with larger holes - this is what our other buckling prefers)...
  2. themrslove

    hw much space do YOUR goats have?

    I am SURE that is it! :lau
  3. themrslove

    Buying our first goats

    One word of advice: Just because the breeder *doesn't* test for certain diseases...doesn't mean they can't. If you are a really interested buyer, I don't see the harm in asking for testing done on the animal/animals that you are looking at.
  4. themrslove

    Kidding Thread *NEW PICS ADDED 6/12*

    Goodness gracious! I love that little buckling! So pretty! I need moonspots in my herd. :)
  5. themrslove


    Buckley, you have made me the happiest girl in the world! :weee Oh goodness...he is just the cutest thing ever. I love him. :)
  6. themrslove


    I know it is a day late, but Buckley...will you be my valentine?? :love
  7. themrslove

    Rough day....Doodle update, page 7

    *nods* You are doing the very best you can for her and I am sure that she appreciates it. You are a fantastic goat owner! Never think any differently! :hugs
  8. themrslove

    Winter Kidding Watch =) Aspen's Turn Pics Pg 59 ALL DONE

    Oh goodness she is such a pretty doe, though! But hahaha! I love that. :lau
  9. themrslove

    Udderly Excited! Possible New Nubian Buckling - He's Home!

    Those will be precious Easter pictures!!! And the kids'll love him! :weee
  10. themrslove

    He needs a name! - New pic (pg 3)

    He is so pretty!!! :weee
  11. themrslove

    So what about that hooch-pooch picture stuff? - YOOO HOO..ARIEL!

    Oh goodness, I am sure they would LOOOVE you for that! LOL :gig
  12. themrslove

    First time breeding buck question?

    Poor baby just got overly excited! LOL! :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau Love that.
  13. themrslove

    Udderly Excited! Possible New Nubian Buckling - He's Home!

    Um, he has got to be the cutest Nubian I have ever seen!!! Love him!!! :love
  14. themrslove

    Kidding to commence- Broken Horn Kidded 2-12- new pics

    Oh goodness! He has a perfect little belt! Love it! :thumbsup
  15. themrslove

    How far along is she?? (UPDATE)

    Oh my...what cuties!!! I need goaties that look like that. It is a NEED. :drool
  16. themrslove

    How to relieve constipation in goat kid?

    Hahaha thanks everyone! :hugs I swear...goats make fools of us all! :plbb
  17. themrslove

    How to relieve constipation in goat kid?

    Okay! Paranoid goat mommy. He pooped. :hide Ha! Wouldn't you know it, the second I set him on my bed, he decides to eliminate a days worth of bathroom right onto my bed. :rolleyes: Off to change the sheets! :weee (I would much rather wash my sheets though than deal with a sick baby!)
  18. themrslove

    How to relieve constipation in goat kid?

    We just gave him an enema and gave him his evening bottle with a bit of karo syrup...anything else we can do for him? :( He doesn't seem to be in distress at all. Just. Not. Pooping! :he Ugh.
  19. themrslove

    How to relieve constipation in goat kid?

    Hi! I have a 6 week old buckling that has suddenly developed constipation. No changes in food, milk intake, hay...just stopped up, I think. We have him isolated right now to monitor his "output" and he is peeing just fine and in normal intervals...however when he tries to poo he hunches up...