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  1. M

    can you help me with creativity?

    I have all kindsa materials to use, from old solid wood cabinets, to DIY put it together yourself ikea type tall storage cabinets, to dog houses, to??? to use as my base for building a few more hutches. I want one inside the house that can house ill buns, and another for an english angora I am...
  2. M

    Silly question...beginning your rabbit stock

    I ended up going with Rex. I am a bit nervous though about how big they will get. The lady I got them from is in Cripple Creek.
  3. M

    Silly question...beginning your rabbit stock

    That's exactly it, because of limited amount of space on one city lot. I already have chickens, ducks and quail, so adding in the rabbits is going to be a squeeze. I have one hutch already, and am looking to get another one. Or Build... I found a lady who is local (Colorado Rocky Mtn region)...
  4. M

    Silly question...beginning your rabbit stock

    This may seem very obvious to someone else, but...where do you get your stock to start out? I don't imagine they can be mail ordered like poultry? So where does one acquire their first few does and buck? Craigslist? Any that we have ever had were for pets. We've never raised for meat before...
  5. M

    Goat horns stuck in the fence? Not any more!!!

    even with his duncehat, he's a cutie.
  6. M

    Changing laws? Anyone tried?

    ROFL, that's pretty much what I wanted to tell them too. In the mean time I have contacted city council. Turns out someone successfully gat the laws ammended to allow for pot belly pigs. Back in 06 I think I read. We'll see what they resond back to me with.
  7. M

    Changing laws? Anyone tried?

    what's funny is there are no covenants and no HOA in our entire zip code. But someone just has it out for me and complains about every little weed. So I just need to figure out how to make my goats-to-be legal and then I won'thave to worry about the grass being too tall. between them and the...
  8. M

    Changing laws? Anyone tried?

    I am pretty sure it's grandfathered in. I don't know that for sure though. My point with mentioning that is to express that the neighborhood is open to the goats as they are with the horses. But code enforcement has been my nemisis for a few years now. The have come with a ruler and fined me for...
  9. M

    Changing laws? Anyone tried?

    There are a few horses, lovely btw, down the street. They are friendly, kids pass by giving them the occassional carrot or apple on their way to school. They are well cared for, appear as healthy as can be and are loved by the neighborhood. Hooved animals are not allowed in our city. These...