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  1. K

    I sliced open her hock!!

    I'm okay..I just feel pretty crummy about causing her more discomfort over my lack of experience. I initially did try to trim her back feet while letting her stand tied close to a wall, pressing myself against her, but I couldn't quite get a good hold while also trimming. I'm used 1500lb...
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    I sliced open her hock!!

    I bought a pair of pygmy does that were in need of some TLC and even though I'm very new to goats, I felt I could give these gals a good home with my two fainting goats. The fella hadn't trimmed their hooves in a very...very...long time adn they were in bad shape. I've never trimed goat hooves...
  3. K


    How much area are we talking? Could you build a pvc hoop structure to cover the cages all the way to the ground with netting, just for the mosquito season?
  4. K

    Moving states - with rabbits

    DianneS - how many angoras in your "herd" of 8 month old angoras? Are you also moving any personal vehicles? Your original post indicates you'll be driving a moving van, where the cab will have your dog & cat. Are you towing your personal vehicle? Is there someone else that could drive it...
  5. K

    MISSING 10 week old fainting goat! UPDATE!!

    HE'S BEEN FOUND!!! :celebrate I finally fell asleep around 2:30am, with any little noise waking me up. Hubby walks to get something from his car this morning at 6:00am, when he sees this in our garage. (excuse the mess!) I really don't think he was in the garage last's just...
  6. K

    MISSING 10 week old fainting goat! UPDATE!!

    I bought my first pair of of goats 2 months ago and we finally brought them home on Sunday - a doeling (8 weeks) and a wether (10 weeks - just banded recently). Due the heaving spring rains/snow our fencing was delayed so we weren't quite ready to let them out, so we put them in a safe pen...