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  1. Chicos Mama

    Favorite "ITCHY SPOT"?

    :plbb Funniest pictures...Anyone else have any photos of their Favorite "Itchy Spot"? :celebrate And his favorite Lil`Rooster "Cowboy" lends a hand when Im busy!
  2. Chicos Mama

    Red Cell?

    Can anyone please tell me the uses for "Red Cell" and how to administer it? Amounts and causes for use...just askin`, cuz I bought some to keep in my Goat Medicine Cabinet...just in case :idunno As with anything in this cabinet, I hope I never need it! :fl Thanks in advance Ya`ll! :thumbsup
  3. Chicos Mama

    Post Pictures of Goat Face Close-Ups!

    WHAT??!! You cant see "Chico`s" face over his BIG...FAT...BELLY??!! :ep Vet said he had the healthiest rumen he`s ever seen.... Ya Riiiight!:lau I told him he`s just the laziest Wether ever born! ( Yes...I said Wether...No hes NOT preggo) But... I love him...Poofyness and all! :love
  4. Chicos Mama

    GOATS IN COATS!! **Funny Pics.**

    Ooookkk.... Its official! I have become "THAT LADY" know the one...every neighborhood has one! I dont wear the floppy hats (yet), I dont wear the Mod Clothes (yet), and I dont walk around talking to myself (much :P)... BUT.... I DID make my Goats... WINTER COATS!:celebrate Oh I know...I...
  5. Chicos Mama

    Spoiled or Too Smart for his own good?

    Thank you all for the laughs and the wise wisdom! I ordered a halter today from Jeffers :fl...we shall see who`s victorious in this battle!!:plbb In the mean time when he did the same thing tonight, I sat at the picnic table just watching Mr. Chubkins- smarty-pants...looking all accomplished...
  6. Chicos Mama

    Spoiled or Too Smart for his own good?

    I agree on the "having me trained" part...TOTALLY! does one pull gently on a BIG, FAT PEICE OF DEAD WEIGHT!!!??? Im not joking on this one...He litterally is laying down, legs flayelled out behind him (wheres a camera when i need it!? :he) I even went so far as to put a bucket of...
  7. Chicos Mama

    Spoiled or Too Smart for his own good?

    O.K. heres my "issue" nowwwww....(geez, do they ever end?) My Wether "Chico"...a.k.a. "Butthead" :rant.... Has done beautiful on a lead for months now, that is up untill yesterday. I placed him on his lead and we began to walk, me looking smart with my big ol` goat waddling begind me as...
  8. Chicos Mama

    Treat for goats

    Once AGAIN cmjust0 you are my Guardian-Goat-God! :bow Apricot leaves are now OFF-LIMITS!You have saved my goat babies more times than I can count from this "newbie mama" with all of your knowledgable information :old.... Thanks again!
  9. Chicos Mama

    Treat for goats

    My 3 spoiled Nubian brats were all hand/bottle raised since birth, so I have litterally had to show them how to be goats! (Ya...Im a goat mama) I had to bring in a neighbors doe to show them how to eat leaves! Before that...they never even gave them a second glance! Weirdos...
  10. Chicos Mama


    Sad, but Interesting story :( Hmmm... I wonder if its one of "Chicos" long, lost relatives? :ep
  11. Chicos Mama

    need help ASAP w/ urinary stones

    Lots of great articles and interesting information here! :caf
  12. Chicos Mama

    "Bucky" Wethers?

    Nope, Both were totally castrated at the Vet when they were 6 and 8 weeks old... "smooth as a babys bottom" down there... so to speak ;)
  13. Chicos Mama

    "Bucky" Wethers?

    Once again Chico and Bob are giving me a run for my money... My Horned Nubian princess Doe, "Violet" has come into heat and her brother "Chico" and my LaMancha "Bob" who are BOTH horned wethers are acting very aggresive to each other. They beat the tar outta each other latley where they...
  14. Chicos Mama

    Our new Buck! Opinions and suggestions for a name please!

    Very Handsome Buck! How about: OPTIMUS PRIME! :thumbsup
  15. Chicos Mama

    Sulmet? (Sulfamethazine Sodium)

    This was my concern :idunno The Vet just left me a phone message saying he ordered the "Meds" and they will be here tommorrow, and it is Corid, 5 day treatment for all 3 goats, and yes... I will be administering them. Let me tell you how he came to the "all 3" diagnosis. Took fecal samples...
  16. Chicos Mama

    Sulmet? (Sulfamethazine Sodium)

    CHICO UPDATE (*With Pictures!*): Final diagnosis (via: Fecal float...Coccidiosis) On one hand Im relived... on the other...well, you know...nobody wants to have sick babies. :hit He wants to treat all 3 goats even though Chico was the only positive test. Is Cocci contagious? And is that the...
  17. Chicos Mama

    Sulmet? (Sulfamethazine Sodium)

    Quick update... Vet Changed the appointment to Friday morning after he called to check on Chico this morning and I told him he now has "soft-green" pellets... NO MORE SCOURS!!! :celebrate I wonder if that dose of Sulmet is what stopped it? Pepto/Pro-biotics combo with no grain? Who...
  18. Chicos Mama

    Sulmet? (Sulfamethazine Sodium)

    O.K. heres the latest on Chico... Still has scours...but its Brown now, not dark but not tan...just brown...not watery anymore but more like yogurt consistency (too discriptive?:hu) Still eating and drinking great. I am giving him pepto 3x a day, pro-biotics 3x a day, and witholding grain (hes...
  19. Chicos Mama

    Sulmet? (Sulfamethazine Sodium)

    Can you give Sulmet to goats for scours? The label says for cattle and calfs,swine, turkeys, chickens and other fowl with scours...but nothing about goats for scours. Its an Antibacterial drinking water solution. My local feedstore does not carry Scour-Halt and she reccomended Sulmet...BUT...
  20. Chicos Mama

    My 2 Goats are coughing...

    Thanks so much for the fast replies! :clap It all makes sense too...We haven`t had rain in over 65 days here, so DRY is an appropriate word for it...and dusty too. And speaking of Dusty...I forgot to mention that my goats share a very large pen with 13 chickens and a duck (who thinks shes a...