Search results

  1. cutechick2010

    Teach me sbout goats!

    I second what Elevan said, they will ignore the grass and eat any bushes, weeds, trees etc that you have. If you want lawn mowers, your best bet would be sheep. If you want to milk, your best bet is going to be some kind of dairy goat, of course. If you want a pet, go to a breeder and either...
  2. cutechick2010

    Post Pictures of Goat Face Close-Ups!

    Same here. I would looove to have a buck like that, I think the bucky smell would be worth it to see him every day.:P
  3. cutechick2010

    When to buy your own buck?

    You do know you have to have at least two goats, right? They are herd animals, and one by herself would be very unhappy. :)
  4. cutechick2010

    buck question?/

    I know this fall when I turned the buck in with the does the milk did get icky tasting. That was the first time I had done pasture breeding that way though, so I don't know if it would be better when he's not rutting or not. I probably will separate him when I start milking the girls again just...
  5. cutechick2010

    Anyone have Miniature jerseys in Illinois?

    Yeah, from some of the pics they had posted of ones they have sold, it looks like some people are keeping them in their backyards, LOL. Did you see the bull on the Dexter page?! That is...NOT a lot of bull! ROFL :lol:
  6. cutechick2010

    Anyone have Miniature jerseys in Illinois?

    That's the one I was talking about, thanks Mo's palominos. I would love to get one of their Jerseys some day, those would make the perfect milk cow for my space and family's milk needs.
  7. cutechick2010

    Anyone have Miniature jerseys in Illinois?

    I believe there is a herd of Mini Jerseys outside of Charleston. I can't remember the name of the place/herd though.
  8. cutechick2010

    looking for many animals!!! ohio

    LOL, I have Nubians too, but I'm not selling any of the older ones at the moment. Too bad you are so far from me, I could fix you up! ;)
  9. cutechick2010

    Just bought half beef, no clue what cuts to order

    Wow, I really wish I had the land available to grow beef on grass. I only have about three acres available once you count buildings and the like on our property, and a good part of that is trees. I am planning to raise my own steer (once my husband and I am working again and can afford to...
  10. cutechick2010

    clean Nigerian dwarfs in Indiana

    I think the Nubian noise factor tends to run in certain lines. I have four Nubians, three does and a wether, and a Nigerian dwarf buck. All but one of my Nubians are pretty quiet, I may hear a little bit of yelling at feed time but not much otherwise unless someone has a problem, like being...
  11. cutechick2010

    Good Goat gone bad ???? I'm new to this.

    Lollingonthefarm- is the buck you have now the son of the aggressive one you sold? They do pass that bad attitude on from father to son. My suggestion would be to get a buck from different lines, JMO. To the OP: I may have missed this if you said it, but how old is your buck? Is he horned? In...
  12. cutechick2010

    Rabbits for sale - Northwest NJ

    :lol: I was wondering about that! I have a Nigerian Dwarf buck, but mine looks an awful lot like a goat. :P
  13. cutechick2010

    looking for many animals!!! ohio

    I raise Coturnix quail. PM me if you are interested in some eggs. :)
  14. cutechick2010

    Does anyone know of a mobile butcher in Illinois?

    Ok, so I don't even have a calf yet, let alone ready to butcher/process one, but for when I am ready what I think I would prefer is to have a professional come out and do it on my farm. Seems to me that would be the most stress-free and humane way to do it. But I can't seem to come up with...
  15. cutechick2010

    How to keep water from freezing...

    Yup, they have them at my local Rural King. I hadn't really thought about there being such a thing either until I saw them. :)
  16. cutechick2010

    Rabbit losing weight.

    That is quite understandable, I couldn't do it either. I am lucky enough to have a vet here that is very affordable, but most people aren't. To deworm, I would try using Ivermectin paste, the kind you can get for horses. It is about $4 a tube, I can do 15 rabbits with one tube. I give about one...
  17. cutechick2010

    we got new bunnies!!!

    You will get addicted, LOL. I miss showing, I had to stop though because I didn't have the time/money to drive around to the shows. :(
  18. cutechick2010

    Rabbit, loss of balance! Urgent Help!!!

    I'm sorry you lost her. :( Sounds to me like ear infection and pneumonia. The congestion/snot from pneumonia can cause an ear infection, that and fever were probably the cause of her loss of balance.
  19. cutechick2010

    toe nail help please

    The dog nail clippers, the scissor type ones, are the best to me also. The guillotine style clippers can splinter the nail rather than cutting it sometimes. Something that I have found helpful when trimming my bunnies nails, set the clippers on the nail where you think is the best place to cut...
  20. cutechick2010

    we got new bunnies!!!

    Awww, Netherlands are so cute! Do you guys plan on breeding/showing or are these cuties just pets?