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  1. cutechick2010

    Dairy goat owners, I have a question.

    Your welcome. :)
  2. cutechick2010

    Milk/goat shares in Illinois? Also, renting out brush goats?

    I am trying to find way of diversifying with my little goat herd, and add a little bit of income to our admittedly very tight budget. The first one is the possiblity of selling goat/milk shares. However, I have not been able to find out if that is legal in Illinois or not, and yes, I have tried...
  3. cutechick2010

    Check out this buck!

    Wow, I am a Nubian person, but I LIKE this guy! Where are you located?
  4. cutechick2010

    Dairy goat owners, I have a question.

    Sounds to me like your goats are missing something, like a mineral that they need. What are you feeding them? I know with mine, I was getting an off flavor in the milk (they are Nubians, BTW) and I couldn't figure out why. Then one morning I had my Rose on the stand, she turned her head and...
  5. cutechick2010

    Looking for milking goats near Peoria in Illinois.

    I know of a really nice goat dairy in Champaign, I know that is a ways from you but is the first one I can think of off the top of my head, LOL. The name of the place is Prairie Fruits Farm, the owner is Leslie Cooperband. I have bought from her before, she has VERY reasonable pricing and some...