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  1. Katy

    day old bottle baby now 7 mons old - PICS FOR RTG!!

    2 quarts 2 times per day is fine for a normal size calf, but you said she was small so she will require less. Underfeeding by a bit is much better than over feeding her.
  2. Katy

    day old bottle baby now 7 mons old - PICS FOR RTG!!

    I saw your post over on BYC. They will scour rather quickly from over feeding and if she's a small calf 4 quarts in 24 hours is verging on too much. When I have a small calf I always divide their feedings into at least 3 times for the first week or so. Less at more different feedings is...
  3. Katy

    Morning from he**

    I'm feeling much better thanks! My fever broke late yesterday afternoon. Was gone from 7 this morning till about 11 tonight babysitting 2 seperate groups of I'm ready to call it a day. I didn't see the heifer today, but hubby said she's doing good. This was the first time in...
  4. Katy

    Morning from he**

    No, I don't think so. We've never had a problem with it anyway. The vet shot her full of antibitotics and other stuff before he left. Stitched her so she can't prolapse on us.
  5. Katy

    Morning from he**

    DH just came and hollered in the backdoor that's she's up.....the first hurdle crossed.
  6. Katy

    Morning from he**

    We've just had the morning from h***. First off I've been running a fever since yesterday evening. I was supposed to be babysitting 2 grandaughters today, so I got up and made arrangements with my DIL to keep them. Then my hubby came in and said we had a heifer calving and he was pretty sure...
  7. Katy

    Calving season has started

    Is there such a thing as a not cute calf? :) I haven't seen one if there is!!
  8. Katy

    Calving season has started

    We had our first calf of the season yesterday morning from this heifer.
  9. Katy

    breakfast @ Katy's house

    Here are some pictures of some of the cows getting their breakfast this cold morning.
  10. Katy

    tractor models

    4430 JD
  11. Katy

    tractor models

    I didn't know if I could play too or not. :) I have a dumb there a rhyme or reason to this, or we just play whatever models we know?
  12. Katy

    tractor models

    4640 JD
  13. Katy

    NAIS participants?

    They say it's only a matter of time until you have to participate in order to sell your cattle through a sale barn.
  14. Katy

    Some of our cattle

    It's the remains of a couple of mineral/salt blocks. :) we had just put out fresh ones for them.
  15. Katy

    pictures from this morning

    They were disappointed all I brought was mineral and no cubes!! :)
  16. Katy

    pictures from this morning

    I went to take mineral out to the pasture this morning. You know it's gonna be a hot day when the cows are standing in the water before 9am!!!!
  17. Katy

    How much area and housing do we need?

    I agree it just depends on where you are and how many cattle you want. Where I live it takes 7-10 acres per head to support a cow/calf pair on summer pasture. I should add that you will need to have additional acrerage to grow feed for them to eat in the winter.
  18. Katy

    How I got my Cow on.

    I agree it's easier in the long run if you get them off the bottle sooner rather than later. I think they start eating other stuff better when they aren't on the bottle. That bottle is just like a pacifier to a can be a hard habit to break!!