Chillin' with the herd
We've just had the morning from h***. First off I've been running a fever since yesterday evening. I was supposed to be babysitting 2 grandaughters today, so I got up and made arrangements with my DIL to keep them. Then my hubby came in and said we had a heifer calving and he was pretty sure something wasn't right. Watched her for awhile and then we determined the calf was coming backwards....all we could feel was the tail and butt....no feet. If the feet would have been coming we could have handled it as we've pulled quite a few backwards calves over the years. Called the vet....our normal vet was out on a farmcall and said he couldn't get here until noon. We finally found a large animal vet who could come out. After working for 2 hours to get the feet repositioned to where we could pull the calf we gave up and since the calf was already dead he removed the calf's leg so the calf could be pulled out. The heifer isn't out of the woods yet, although she's doing amazingly well for all she's been through this morning. Not a good day.